2. advents låge: Nepal

COVID-19 har også ramt Diálogos samarbejdspartnere. Her er postkort fra Abhinay Vaydya, i Nepal Public Health Foundation, projektleder på pesticidprojektet i Nepal, som Diálogos laver i samarbejde med ICOEPH. Nepal “Farming, Health and Environment Nepal Project is one of the projects of Nepal Public Health Foundation, (NPHF), aimed to improve the health of farmers and […]

Obstacles and Opportunities for Diffusion of Integrated Pest Management Strategies Reported by Bolivian Small-Scale Farmers and Agronomists

Integrated pest management (IPM) with an increased used of ecological farming methods and less and safer use of pesticides offers solutions to reduce risks of developing pest resistance, human poisoning, and environmental pollution. Despite being promoted by Food and Agriculture Organization and others, it has not spread readily in low-income countries. This article presents the […]

Effect of Integrated Pest Management Training on Ugandan Small-Scale Farmers

Small-scale farmers in developing countries use hazardous pesticides taking few or no safety measures. Farmer field schools (FFSs) teaching integrated pest management (IPM) have been shown to reduce pesticide use among trained farmers. This cross-sectional study compares pesticide-related knowledge, attitude, practice (KAP), potential exposure, and self-reported poisoning symptoms among 35 FFS farmers, 44 neighboring farmers, […]

Bolivia pesticid

Neurological Deficits After Long-term Pyrethroid Exposure

Pyrethroid pesticides have been suggested to be a cause of Parkinson disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. To investigate this, a cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 Bolivian public health vector program spray men, primarily exposed to pyrethroids. Pesticide exposure and central nervous system (CNS) symptoms were determined by a structured interview, whereas neuromotor and neurocognitive […]